Tuesday, October 31, 2006
selain guitar i play bass...drum..vocals...troat..electrik violin..tapi lama tak main (violin)...
if syak's band also cannot..any body who has a band looking for a guitarist..i'm yours...call me at this number...0124331573..btw i play lead..and wikid fast solos...hehe..my fav bands metallica, dream theater, dragon force, deep purple, static x
jimmy rob rob
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Haha, I dont know and let me tell you, I was so anti-teenage drama I refuse to watch any of this nonsense. But somehow someway, the advertising started pulling me in. So one day I gave it a shot, what harm could it do. Thats where I found out the power of OTH. Haha maybe I'm exagerating, but maybe because One Tree Hill is so human, people can relate to them. The storyline sucks you in, makes you cry for more. The characters reach out to you and I bet the hardcore fans can say "hey thats exactly how I feel". OTH is dope, its ganja and marijuana put together. For me I just like Haley. But I think what Lucas scott said explains it all.
Lucas: My name is Lucas Scott. I'm a senior at Tree Hill High School. I play basketball -- at least I used to. I have a girlfriend -- at least I used to. And I have a best friend. Tree Hill is just a place somewhere in the world. Maybe it's a lot like your world, maybe it's nothing like it. But if you look closer, you might see someone like you, or someone like you. Someone trying to find their way. Someone trying to find their place. Someone trying to find their self. Sometimes it seems like you are the only one in the world who's struggling, who's frustrated, unsatisfied, barely getting by. But that feeling's a lie. And if you just hold on, just find the courage to face it all for another day, someone or something will find you and make it all okay. Because we all need a little help sometimes-someone to helps us hear the music in their world, to remind us that it won't always be this way. That someone is out there. And that someone will find you.
HBO's Entourage is good too, I watched the whole of season 1 and season 2 on Limewire. Dont watch on HBO, they cut a lot and I mean a lot.
Friday, October 27, 2006
title: the ultimate exam
you may think...that spm is the ultimate exam...i say spm is only a steaper hill to face...when we were in form 3 they say you must do well for PMR...SOME OF US MAY HAVE EVEN HEARD THE PHARES "your future depends on PMR"....now when pmr over .."they"..say that spm is important..now here's the deal...the main reason why we had to get good results for pmr, is because of competition...basically if we can get all the students in the whole of MALAYSIA..to screw pmr..then maybe we wouldn't have worked so hard to acheive..good results...it is because of competition our parents,teachers,etc...pressure us to..study hard..
the next level is spm...(fuh lamak macam xxx the next level oh)....its the same reason for pmr...an individual has to acheive good results for the sake of competition...competiton to enter good varsities...not every university is good..reason being that an established..uni..has well paid lectures and because of the uni's desire to maintain its good name...new uni's will except any given student...because...they need students..to enter their uni...the whoole idea of the university is based on business interest....
let me describe the picture more vividly in an easier way...its like this ...let say a business man builds a turbine..and he needs a river...to operate the turbine...he can't put his turbine in the river cause he has no money to buy a property by the river...so he goes to the stream..the stream represents "any given student"...because of the nature of the stream which is sometimes fast and sometimes slow....so over the years he builds on his turbine..upgrading it to a more eficient turbine...(upgraded his university with better teachers and facilities,and also making his uni's name recognised)...the business man would want a steady flow of water..meaning good students with better results..so in other words he moves onto(setting the standards higher)..river or the sea for a better flow of...water to move his turbine to generate power..
that is why its is important to..study hard and acheive..good results in order to get a place in the university...but this doesn't entirely mean work your butt off and stop enjoying life...that is why people need to start focusing on subjects and not simply taking too many subject...17 a1 what a joke...that means our spm standard is that low...becuase when you go to austrlia...america..6 a s heard of,7 a s heard of but 17 a 1....rediculus...(harry potter style)...i respect nur amalina for challenging herself..and proving to herself that she is capable of doing many things..but the media shouldn't had made a big fuss about it becuase only 1 in a million..students can do such a thing...even the top boy in my school who is doing 13 subjects..only good in studies...sports out...music out i mean he learnt drums before me and i'm 2x better than him...he was grade 2 in guitar for 6months....i grade 5 in 8 months...my studies ok,good not marginally good but good....football ok..main sport bsb also ok....the main reason y he wants to take...13 subjects is because of pride...he has too much pride in him....but ultimately he is good.. i mean 90 above for all his 13 subjects...add maths 98..crazy.....my add math only 63 cukup makan...but 1 thing he can't beat me is my command of the english language..hahaha...not that this blog reflects on my english...can't be bothered bout grammactical errors...now..cause i'm sleepy but can't sleep...
yeah enough being side tracked...back to main topic ultimate exam..yeah the ultimate exam is not your spm but..life itself....after spm there's going to be more..harder...impairable..sickening..irritating..and troublesome..mountains to conquer..and if spm breaks you...just think what it is going to be like when you face harder times..an individual..is considered..to have succeeded in life when he /she...has succeeded in overcoming his/her missfortunes and shortcomings..so basicly..if you have a strong mind and you have a burnig passion for whatever it is you like doing..you will do well in life...its all in the mind...the mind is like a form of power waiting to explode....when you can controll it...it brings out the goodness in you....that enables you to acheive great things
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
King Henry V gave this speech before the battle of Agincourt recorded by Shakespeare:
And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remember'd;
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.
Its been a long long year and definitely the climax of any year for me. We went through good times and bad times and I can honestly tell you I treasured them all. It has been a wonderful year of friendship. At the end of it all I did one stupid thing that made some of you angry....I apologize.
In the spirit of Hari Raya, I'm truly sorry for the things I did, the words that I've spoken, and my attitude that has hurt anybody. Maaf zahir dan batin.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Hari Raya is just one week from now, so I thought I write down what I want for christmas......I mean hari raya:
*Straight A's for SPM
*Entry into NUS (National University of Singapore) with full scholarship
*season 2 dvd of The Sopranos
*Getting my hand on these books:
-Driven from within by Michael Jordan
-For one more day by Mitch Albom
*N73 hanphone
*Incubus's new album: Light Grenades
*TIME magazine suscription
*brand new Swiss Army watch
*see my parents in Japan
*reunion of friends from Seaport
*Jennifer Garner (I love youuuu)
*Bethany Joy Lenz aka Haley from OTH (again, I love youuuuu)
*Miss Venezuala rrrrrrrr
*Arsenal to win Champions League, EPL and FA Cup
*world poverty-gone
*health, wealth and happiness!
*my friends to do well in their SPM
lol, like i'll be getting all these things any time soon :P So that was my wish list, guys, whats yours? =D
By: Naif
Look guys, you're missing my point. I completely agree with James, but I have a few things to add, then we can all end this.
Education is something great to have and of course its something everybody persue. But theres a huge difference between education and knowledge. What SPM does is testing an individual's knowledge in their 5 years of secondary school. But as you all know SPM doesn't cover all grounds of knowledge, it covers theory. Everything else must be learn through experience. No man's knowledge is complete and as Sir William Haley puts it, school education would be much better if the student realizes how much they dont know when they get out school (which in turn forces them into a lifelong journey for persuing knowledge)
The thing I want to point about in my previous post is that I dont like how we Malaysians study. Our sole purpose of studying is mainly for passing test papers. All this can be done by repeating the test papers, note memorizations and tution centers. It's absurd. Even throughout the year, how many of you can honestly say that you go back home you actually learn something that can be contributed to society? Pendidikan Moral/Pendidikan Islam? If these subjects really makes a difference i.e make you want to help your neighbour/help cross an old man down the road/pray 5 times a day/stop masturbating why do I still notice that crime rates have been on the rise these days?
I dont know about you, but throughout my 5 years of schooling, 3 years in Seaport, 2 years in Victoria Institution, I've hardly done any practical work except for Kemahiran Hidup. Most of the time I'm doing "latihan" and reading "nota" that teachers give me. Then I go to school and listen to stupid lectures given by incompotent teachers rambling about Malaysian society. After that I sit for exams.....and more exams. My uncle (who is an American) once told me: "Is that all you Malaysians do? I go to work and I ask them what their doing currently, and they tell me their preparing themselves for exams."I can honestly tell you, most of the valuable "education" I got was through books, the Internet and my father's lectures.
To me, the problem with Malaysian's schools lies within the teachers, the administrator and the students. Teachers come to schools mainly to teach and care nothing less if the students understand or not. Students in turn come to school just to chit chat and no passion at all in persuing "knowledge". The leadership of the school is poor, discipline is lacking and therefore everything else crumbles. Like James said, its not like in the olden days where teachers are passionate,strict but very caring. So its no suprise, our University rankings have drop. One explanation is because the students who enter local U suck and lack character. All the "best" students are overseas.
The only thing I like in our preparation for SPM is that, if you the have guts and balls to study every night and day, then getting the straight A's you wanted, I don't think you'll have any other problem in life in general. I mean, with all that dedication and commitment, by right you should be able to do anything! With that said, I'm actually quite suprise that straight A students can't get a job or end up working for somebody. They should have been entrepenuers and billionaires. If they can only apply all that hard work and perseverance into what they do, I tell you they'll be able to rule th
e world!
About our tution centers: I have to say, the fact that you decide to enroll in a tution center shows how much you're incapable to understand what is being taught in the classroom. I mean, I'm completely sure thats the main reason why people turn to tution in the first place. Lets face it, the teachers at schools suck, more balls than Jenna Jameson and Pamela Anderson put together. Besides, I dont know about you, but I've hardly seen any top students go for tution. They're able to understand and do revision at home. If some do, its probably because they needed an extra supplemant or subjects that requires tution, say accounts. Amalina didnt take tution at all except for accounts.
So this is our education dilemma. Its no longer the Malay/Indian/Chinese dilemma, its OUR EDUCATION DILEMMA. I dont think any further complaint is necessary, I said what needed to be said and if the issue is raised again, I give up. Besides, I still want to get straight A's because society demands me to. After that you can see me in the National University of Singapore.
"It doesnt matter where you start, but where you finish that counts"-ZigZiglar
Monday, October 16, 2006
i totally agree with you naif....spm nowadays is a big joke......like naif said any tom dick and harry..excluding those who are unfortunately slow....can achieve 17...a1...back in the day, students getting 8 a's and above was a rare thing...it was simply unheard of...it was because..the exams really tests you on how you apply what you learn..into what your doin...those days people use to focus on certain subjects...because it was to hard to focus on many subject.....people were passionate of what they wanted to be...like albert einstein even though his teacher said he was to dumb to do math he kept on learning and tryin untill he achieved learning it....many of you might not know this but albert einstien never really did well in math because he was always distracted by thoughts of how the world was in its place...what was energy...what was this and what was that...he was a bit slow in the begining but because of his will and desire he acquired great skill....not because he was graded by his teacher...in the end whose legacy has lived on....albert einstein's and not his god forsaken teacher....another example is bill gates.....he is probably poorer than you and me.....because his money is in assets.....believe me....he was an oxford university drop out..i think.....and he worked as a service boy in macintosh.....somehow...he learned the trade of business...created his own..operating system...and microsoft was born.....does he have any paper qualification.....hehe...not more than 15..but still he is like the richest man in the world....i feel that pmr spm and stpm is really overrated...people think that after spm if they fail..thats like the end of the road..i tell you this it ain't the end of the road if you can stand tall on your own two feet...for me by the way thats simple..hehe.. sometimes i hate ppl showing off how many a's they got...yeah if you got your a's by memorising..and vomitting it out on the paper, thats like intelligent copying...its basically looking at the answers in your head...and writting them down just because you want a higher mark...when someone pops the question how you apply it praCTICALLY...BUAT MUKE BLURRR JER..BUTOH LAR TUUU....the grading of A B C D E F......is based on how much you understand a certain topic..not on how much you memorise...if everybody were to memorise...then my guess is that we don't need to sit for pmr spm or stpm...we just can shit for spm etc...and use the papers for tisu..to whipe our smelly backsides..even so...the standard of our exams have dropped tremendously....now even if you get straight a's for spm it doesn't mean you can get a place in varsities overseas.....our malayan uni..has dropped form world ranking number 56 to 278....this is what i would say as.... SHIT LAR TUUUUUUUU000000.....another thing is that non muslims have to learn moral....1 stupid piece of crap paper to memorise for the whole year..so simple.....after spm i'm not going to remember my moral...my mid term exam i fail moral 14 because i didn't memorise...but...trials relak ar....82...a 1 HAHAHAHAHA... so much for the dumb subject...nowonder more malaysian becoming more and more dumber by the day.....another thing is tuiton....like you said naif..we all basically go tuiton...for further revision..well those days no tuition......ppl study either in school because the quality f the teacher was good...or library or group study....eventhough my school is a primier school...tetapi tidak menunjukan ke primieran langsung...students still copy i think compared to sri permata students here copy..... more often...infact..spm pun boleh copy...celaka betul...
i'll continue later my stomach empty...must top up..
People looking at the heading are probaly thinking that im gonna write the lyrics for jay chou's new song but sadly no.You guys looking at the picture are also probaly thinking who is that hot guy with the equally beautiful woman beside(i'm proud and glad to say that she is taken....by my dad).Yes,folks that lovely woman is my dear mum.The reason i put that picture is not because i want to show you guys my mum's freaked out look but rather to prove a point.
I rarely see people these days have any pictures with them and their mums and i'm guilty of being like that once until she got her new phone*yay technology*,now dare i say it me and my mum camwhore when occasions like the one in the picture happens.I tend to hear about people who are embaressed of their parents,thinking they are uncool or something and treating them like the bubonic plague each time they ask to go out.I'm confident enough to say I dare to go out in public with my PARENTS.Btw,there are you guys out there that do what i do with my parents.So jangan terasa yer.
I'm not trying to point fingers or anything but i just want to create a point that kids these days tend to not associate themselves with their parents even though they have chance.They are the greatest teachers of life and no one else can teach better.When kids say my parents won't understand me,the first thing that comes to my mind is that is a load of bullshit.They are probaly the only people that can understand you before your friends.So talk to your parents and open up a bit.Hell,you may even find out that they even have teenage life that is way cooler than yours and may even give you advice you thought you won't get from them.
One more thing before i sign out,you guys probaly realise i wrote Listen To Mother's Words and i mention both parent figures.The thing is i couldn't find a song that is fitting for dads[sorry dads who might happen to read this (>.<)'] and i couldn't upload a picture of me and my dad.I was scared that the blog,computer and the internet couldn't take our hotness combined(Hey i was only thinking about the greater good (^-^)b )
This is me signing out and hoping give you guys another kick ass post,
Farouq Nyuh-Huh
P.S. My mum took me,naif and chee keat to genting.That picture was of us in a cable car.So if you happen to see this(MUM),thanks from the all of us who have been shown kindness from you and for letting us borrow your phone.
Haha, I still cant stop laughing. We have a new poll up since its a start of a new week. But before that, here was the results of our previous poll:
The question: who do you think is the hottest chick in "One Tree Hill"?
Lucas's Mom-0%
Nathan's mom-1%
Jennifer Garner-0
So the winner: Brooke! Haha, no suprises there. But thank you for those who voted for me, Naif, Im so grateful! You guys are too kind haha lol. For our next poll, it all started when Ck and I finished watching One tree Hill (yes were addicted i know) in 8TV. Ck decided that he was Lucas and I decided that I was Nathan, Syakirin is Chris the mother fucker! =)........so we both wondered who Farouq would be if he was in "One Tree Hill"? Thats what the poll is use for then, go and vote! Who do you think farouq is in the series "one tree hill"?
so sup guys?How have u guys been?enjoying the blog so far..?Hope u guys really enjoyed reading it.Btw,thanks for all the comments in the tag board which really make us happy when u guys really like it.Oh yeah,have u guys seen John tucker must die?I watched it with my friends today n we have lots of fun.Its a great movie tht tells how these bunch of girls from dif groups which all of them dated him at the same time,wants to put a revenge on him after being played.I think i won't tell more..ill spoil the fun when u guys watch it.Its really cool,u guys should check it out.
Make up your mind.
EmShould I let you fall?AmLose it all?Em AmSo maybe you can remember yourself.EmCan't keep believing, Am EmWe're only deceiving ourselves . AmAnd I'm sick of the lie, C Esus4And you're too late.Don't cry to me.If you loved me,You would be here with me.You want me,Come find me.Make up your mind.Couldn't take the blame.Sick with shame.Must be exhausting to lose your own game.Selfishly hated,No wonder you're jaded.You can't play the victim this time,And you're too late.Don't cry to me.If you loved me,You would be here with me.You want me,Come find me.Make up your mind.C G You never call me when you're sober.C G Eb G Eb You only want it cause it's over, It's over.Esus4 C Am EmHow could I have burned paradise?Esus4 C Am EmHow could I - you were never mine.So don't cry to me.If you loved me,You would be here with me.Don't lie to me,Just get your things.I've made up your mind.Thats as good as it gets. enjoy...
Sunday, October 15, 2006
I went to Johor for 2 days and this is what i come back to see.A poll for me.I don't know whether i should thank you guys or stab you guys but the latter sounds much better (^-^).I'm either Whitey(a bald fat white guy),Peyton(though she is hot,so hardly any complains for that one),Mouth(his character is not that bad lah),Skills(i ain't black),myself(perfect choice) and Chandler M.Bing(how the fuck he got in the picture).Not just that i see we got another new member,the 6 foot freak a.k.a James(Even if he wasn't tall,he would still be a freak).So with him,this officially bring us to 6 members.Oh the joy of merry men banding together(that couldn't sound any more gay than it should be).Here is my post for the start of the week then.
TRIVIA:Btw,the M in chandler's name stands for Muriel.Thought you guys out to know.
By Naif
Btw, am I the only one posting here? Guys you should update more, I'm spending my weekend with my brother, so I get to use the computer often, or else you wont be seing me updating on weekdays coz I'll be at my aunts.
Anyways, I want to dedicate this to all my friends and juniors in VI (or any other school) to seriously consider what I'm about to write. See, with all this comotion because SPM is just around the corner people tend to forget the most important thing: Life does not end here.
Seriously Malaysian society nowadays have this whole mentality that you're not only judged by how many A's you get in your PMR/SPM/STPM but your whole fucking future depends on it. Dont get me wrong, I'm not anti-examination, in fact I believe exams are the only way to test someone's capability and potential, but the situation in Malaysia right now is just outright ridiculous!
Why do I say that? First, lets go to the roots. I bet all of you probably take tution right? ( I know someone in this blog doesnt lol) So why did you take tution in the first place? My guess is that you couldn't understand what the teacher teaches in school. So tution becomes a suplement, a place where you could ask, and do extra revisions. Not only that, but tution also provides past year questions, upcoming questions, future questions, you name it. Besides, come on lah, we all kan malas, we dont do our homework, we dont listen in class, because we have tution!
You also have this perspective that teachers are withdrawing vital information that which is not been taught at school, thereby increasing their comercial value. These "teachers" will only give all these "tips" and "hints" provided they get extra money for it, therefore joining a tution center is a must for teachers.
Because of the increasing popularity of tution centers, more and more parents decide to send their children for tution. They justified it in their mind that its the only quick way to get an "A". They want instant success, they want instant satisfaction. So what do you actually do in this tution center? Everyday you do the same kind of "latihan", hearing teachers repeat the same thing over and over again. Its a never ending repetition of doing past year questions or frequent questions, and reading predicted topics or "ramalan". To make a long story short, you do things over and over again till when it does come out in your exam your just repeating it.
An interesting note worth mentioning, MRSM operates more or less the same way. They bombard the students with millions of homework. Again the repetition, they do this so that all this knowledge sticks to their mind. I have a friend in MRSM who is not content in getting 8A's in her trial!
So with all this help from "big brother" (aka tution centers) its just no wonder that people get straight A's. It becomes too fucking simple. Life thus becomes an endless race of who can get more A's than the other. Do you know that a staggering RM4 billion ringgit is spended anually in tution centers alone? Imagine what we can do with al that money-like getting more qualified teachers! The next time someone tells you he/she gotten straight A's, dont be fucking suprised, coz in this day and age any tom, dick and harry can get 17A's.
Usualy people who write complaining our education system are not doing well in exams. I agree, but this is not a complaint this is a critic =P Secondly, I did get good results in my trials which is 5A's. No, dont laugh! If you do, then you'll be laughing at a whole bunch of successful people who did not do well in their exams. Fyi- Tun Dr.Mahathir got only 3 distinctions! Thomas Edison quit school at a young age and if you still dont know, he invented the lightbulb. Lim Goh Tong, founder of Genting, is illiterate, meaning he cant read and write. Albert Einstein was labelled by his teacher quote, too dumb to do mathematics end quote.
Back to our education system: But its not always the case is it? People still do get bad results in their SPM and so forth. The reason is quite simple. The answer is not being able understanding what is being taught in the classroom. The teachers are too borring, too stupid, too dumb to understand student's mindset. When they get homework, they leave it alone. Parents dont help, their too busy with their job, the same old excuse. Grades drop so they resort to tution centers. Herein lies the flaw: people fail to realize that tution is not a free ticket to an "A". When tution doesnt work, truancy happens and this is the start of all other "gejala sosial". As for others, they pile all their syllabus to last minute. They say to themselves, dont worry, theres still next week. Well next week becomes next month, next month becomes next year. And before you know it, its already SPM!
So there lies the dilemma in our education system. In our persuit of "A's", we end up studying for exams, not for "life". Students then tend to memorized instead of learning. Those who fail to do so do not get good grades in their exams. Theres no creativity among Malaysian youth, no spark, no originality. Its always by-the-book. Did you know Amalina, when asked where she wants to further her studies, she replied "OXFARD". Yes dear, Oxfard indeed. So why the fuck does the government complain when graduates cannot get a job? This is a just whole mess that they themselves created.
To me school, should be a hastle free afair. Kids should be given space to explore their surroundings and environment. Let their minds fly. Parents too play a HUGE role, they're suppose to make space to spend time with their children and always always help them in their homework. Only then can the child understand, only then can then can the child go to school and only then can the child face the teachers. Lets face it, you and I one day will inherit this country, and we dont want cookie cutters, we dont want robots, we want variety.
So what can you learn from all this? Never judge a person by how many A's they get.
I have never let my schooling interfere with my education-Mark Twain American writer.
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world- Albert Einstein
Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune-Jim Rohn
Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it-Ralph Waldo Emmerson
Education would be so much more effective if its purpose were to ensure that by the time they leave school every boy and girl should know how much they don't know, and be imbued with a lifelong desire to know it-Sir William Haley
Saturday, October 14, 2006
By Naif
Time for some serious stuff-Just recently, Muhammad Yunus received the Nobel Prize in Economics (2006) for his contribution in fighting poverty. Muhammad Yunus is the founder of Grameen Bank which operates by giving out small loans to poor entrepenuers in his country or "microcredits" as they called it. He's labeled as the "Banker of the Poor".
Muhammad Yunus is a Bangladeshi who has a Phd in Economics from Vanderbilt University. His first experience in banking started when he lended $27 to a poor lady in his village. From there he had an idea of creating a bank which provieds access to credit to people too poor to qualify for traditional bank loans.
For me, Muhammad Yunus is a true Muslim idol. With our image seriously being tarnished each day, this kind of news is truly comforting. It just goes to show we Muslims still contribute to the world stage. This is just the kind of man I was hoping for to appear. The poverty and the famine that has scourged his land did not cripple him, but instead provided him the foundation for him to stand up and make a difference. Hats off for a wonderful man and inshaallah he will make "povery history".
"One day our children will go to musuems to see what poverty was
like"-Muhammad Yunus.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Thursday, October 12, 2006
she still feels it when
you run into eachother 3 years later
When a girl is quiet,
millions of things are running through her
When a girl is not arguing,
she is thinking deeply.
When a girl looks at you with eyes full of
she is wondering how long you will be
When a girl answers, "I'm fine, " after a
she is not at all fine.
When a girl stares at you,
she is wondering why you are so
When a girl lays her head on your chest,
she is wishing for you to be hers forever.
When a girl says that she can't live
without you,
she has made up her mind that you are
her future.
When a girl says, "I miss you, "
no one in this world can miss you more
than that
When a girl is mean to you after a breakup
she wants you back, but she's
scared she'll get hurt and knows
your gone forever
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
By:Naif the Great, Ck Jay Chou, and Farouq Abdul Razak
Today (11th October) we had a trip of a lifetime to Genting (wee!) We didnt go to the outdoor theme parks, but spended a lot of time in the indoor theme parks, such as playing bumper car etc. We wont explain much, instead we'll let the pics do all the talking.
This is our first picture upon ariving to Genting. As you can see we were doing the Japanese pose of showing the peace sign.
Now this is a second pose. Ck is on the left and Naif is on the right. Hensemnye!!!!
Fuyoo, here is abang Farouq dgn penuh bergayanye. Everyone around is already falling head over heels already.
Yes, the same pic location again! Lol, were just getting started. Watch out genting cos the 3 hooligans are here! (poyo)
Jay Chou on the left with his funky girlfriend Jolin! They were caught dating at Genting by the papparazis...
Yay Doraemon pun ader kat Genting!
Farouq promoting some good food in Genting. Jalan-jalan cari makan. Eh bang tak puasa ker????? Sedap lah tu...
Jay chou n his funky girlfriend Jolin got caught again by the papparazis in snow world! (buat ape tu...?(romen romen pulak doh) Lol.
Dah gersang-gersang, ni lah berlaku. Mane ader panda kat North Pole. Best tak Naif? Ck tak baik tau kentut kat Panda!
Sea Lion pun jadi mangsa! Farouq playing with his sexy tusks. Naif masturbating for him.....mashaallah.
Now this one arr.......dasyat lah....This kind of shit should be shown in Discovery Channel. Polar Bear tu pun tengah stim. Kids dont try this at home. Ape jadi dengan Jolin?
Apasal, besar sangat ke Farouq? Dah puas main dengan Sea Lion lah tu.
Playing around in Genting's toilet. Best giler............tanpa Syakirin......dowh.
Farouq aka Michael Schumacher......Farouq dengan gayanye skali lagi.........Farouq ni memang pandai pose lah. Cute siot! (Bumper Car)
Which one is scarier the 2 in the center or the 2 at the sides? Happy Halloween!
Suke Farouq lepak dengan hantu! Happy Halloween!
Ait, Jay Chou pun main dengan kuda? How embarassing......bajet cute lah tu.
This is our final picture we took together. It's in front of the Flying coaster which was by far our best ride in our short period of time we spend in Genting.
If you want to see more pictures you have to go visit either mine, Farouq's or Ck's profile. If you're wondering, the places we visited is the indoor theme park, Snowworld, and Flying coaster (which was outside). Enjoy the pics! We know we did.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Resurrecting" Bacteria's Secret Revealed
But a few bacteria can "resurrect" themselves by quickly piecing their DNA back together�a strange ability that has mystified biologists for decades.
Now researchers have figured out how one species of these phoenix-like bacteria can rise from the ashes.
A group led by Miroslav Radman, a molecular geneticist at Universit� Ren� Descartes in Paris, France, announces its findings today on the Web site of the journal Nature.
Radman's group studied a bacteria called Deinococcus radiodurans, which survives in sunbaked deserts and rock surfaces.
The organism can withstand massive doses of radiation and can even survive being completely dried out.
When that occurs, "there is no metabolism," Radman said. "The genome is shattered into hundreds of pieces. It is a dead cell. DNA normally acts like a blueprint, telling cells how to cook up the proteins that make life possible. But shredding these instructions renders them useless. Once DNA is split into multiple pieces, there's usually no way a cell's internal machinery can figure out how to piece everything back together again.
Reconstruction must be precise, because a message restitched in the wrong order is gibberish, dooming the organism.
Largest Known Planet Discovered, Astronomers Announce
Astronomers say they have discovered what appears to be an entirely new kind of planet, an extra-large gas giant unlike any known world in our solar system or beyond.
The planet, dubbed HAT-P-1, is located some 450 light-years from Earth in the constellation Lacerta. It is the largest planet ever discovered and boasts a radius nearly 1.4 times larger than Jupiter's. HAT-P-1 is also the least dense of all known planets.
"This planet is about one quarter the density of water," said Gaspar Bakos, a Hubble fellow at CfA.
In other words, it's lighter than a giant ball of cork. Just like Saturn, it would float in a bathtub if you could find a tub big enough to hold it, but it would float almost three times higher. The planet's large size and low density can't be explained by current theories of giant planet formation.
Scientists suggest that additional heat in its interior could account for its "puffed-up" size, but as yet they can't explain how such heat could be generated.
Sorry for not posting,my loyal fans[if i got any (-_-)'].Now that we are now in the mood of blogging again.I shall begin a new.Well,tmr is my birthday
(10/10...doh).Hopefully we get to watch HEART.Yes,a group of guys are planning to watch an indon chick flick.Unless there is a group of girls that want to change that.(0_^).Whoever you are.If there are people that are interested to join tmr,call me,ck,naif,or syak.Jason not sure.Eheh.
This blog now has thing that make me say im proud to be part of this.We got a poll.A weird ass poll but it is still a poll.A new layout courtesy of someone's brilliant work.Hell,we even have two new guys joining hooligans.(Syark and JP).There might be more in the future and then we will truly be OPJ(One Petaling Jaya).Hehe.
This has been from the HHH,(hip,hot and happening)
Sunday, October 08, 2006
This was written by a guy. And that person is not me.
Don't break this; it's so sweet! :)
1. They will always smell good even if it's just
2. The way their heads always find the right spot
on our shoulder.
3. How cute they look when they sleep.
4. The ease in which they fit into our arms .
5. The way they kiss you and all of a sudden
everything is right in the world.
6. How cute they are when they eat.
7. The way they take hours to get dressed but in
the end it makes it all worth while.
8. Because they are always warm even when its
minus 30 outside.
9. The way they look good no matter what they
10. The way they fish for compliments even though
you both know that you think she's the most
beautiful girl on this earth.
11. How cute they are when they argue.
12. The way her hand always finds yours.
13. The way they smile.
14. The way you feel when you see their name on
the call ID after you just had a big fight.
15. The way she says "lets not fight anymore"
even though you know that an hour later....
16. The way that they kiss after you have had a
17. The way they kiss you when you say "I love
18. Actually...Just the way they kiss you...
19. The way they fall into your arms when they
20. Then the way they apologize for crying over
something that silly.
21. The way they hit you and expect it to hurt.
22. Then the way they apologize when it does hurt
(even though we don't admit it).
23. The way they say "I miss you".
24. The way you miss them.
25. The way their tears make you want to change
the world so that it doesn't hurt her anymore...
Yet regardless if you love them, hate them, wish
they would die or know that you would die without
them it matters not. Because once in your life,
whatever they were to the world they become
everything to you. When you look them in the
eyes, traveling to the depths of their souls and you
say a million things without trace of a sound, you
know that your own life is inevitable consumed
within the rhythmic beatings of her very heart. We
love them for a million reasons, no paper would do
it justice. It is a thing not of the mind but of the
A feeling.
Only felt.
truely, deeply, madly
syark da rockstar
Incubus's new album is due to release on November 28. But if you visit their website regularly, you'll notice they have 1 song up circling the internet. Now you can check the song here at their offical page or here. The song is titled anna molly and it will rock your balls off. I hope, no, I BEG you to check the song out! Fuck, I just cant wait for their album.
By Naif
Before I start.......
if you still haven't notice the blog change because of a certain someone. But on the positive side, the blog looks more simpler and the writing is more clear to read. I got us back a new tagboard so that should be good.
To rest of the gang; PLEASE DONT MESS AROUND WITH THE TEMPLATES! Especially for those of you who have no idea what you're doing *cough cough*. Another thing, please don't post in huge fonts, "large" should be good enough.
And most of all.......
I've notice that SOMEONE was offended by what I wrote in the "Naif the Great" section. Truth be told, I knew it was going to hurt this particular person considering how peculiar she is about these things but I still wrote it out of spite. Of course, I do apologize.
But frankly speaking....
the fact that you took offence only made me have a more negative view on you. I know because if you didn't, then you wouldn't have wrote that thing in the tagboard (its gone when syark change the template). Can I tell you something: how you respond to a simple joke, criticism, a word of advice shows your true character.I know lah your smart, even smarter than me. Its obvious-to you everybody is wrong and you're the only one whose right. Everybody should agree with you because you're the only with some sense in this world. God, even I'm not that self centered! And coming from me, thats a huge statement!
Get ready cos I'm going to go all out..
the problem with you is that you have a self image problem. Insecurity apparently seems to be your biggest decease. You're also on a quest of self acceptance no matter how much you deny it. You see, you constantly want approval of the things you do, you want people to notice you. So what do you do? You act like this I-know-everything kind of girl and you have a I-don't-give-a-shit attitude. What you're actually saying is "notice me, love me". As individuals we will consistently act the way we see ourselves. What happens then is that you strongly believe this is your true character. This is who you are and this is who you want to be!
As a result....
you constantly find all the negative things in the world. You're a pessimist. You also became a bitch. Seriously, theres not a better word to put it. You nag, you complain, you have 24 hour PMS and you're emotional. You cant stand people who don't share the same views as you. You can't laugh at yourself and strongly feel that either laughter or criticism from others is a "put down" an effort to make you look bad. Admit it this is you!
When you do read all this....
you might be thinking that I'm actually describing myself and these are views from just ONE person. But you're wrong this may be my view of you, but it doesn't hide the fact that this it's YOUR character. You may criticize ME and all the bad things about me, but it still doesn't get rid of the fact you're the one with a serious (image) problem. And in my defence: seriously, I'm not THAT emotional. No don't feel sorry for me! Because I feel sorry for you!
I know what you're asking yourself...
so why did I try to go back to you all these years? Because I care. I care so much about you. And truth be told I actually fell in love back a lot of times since we broke up. But now, all these feelings have vanished......Into thin air if I might add. The thing is I just want you to change. Deep inside I know this isn't the real you. The real you is someone who cares, who is kind, who forgives everytime I made a mistake. Thats the girl I fell in love back then.
This also goes out to.....
all my friends who keep asking about me and this particular person lol. If you guys ever again ask, read back all the things I wrote here. PS: seriously no harm intended, its just word of advice k?
"Cricism may not be agreeablem but it is necesary. It fulfils the same function as pain in the human being. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things"-
Winston Churchill PM of England during World War2
Saturday, October 07, 2006
by : Syark
Murid-murid: Selamat pagi, cikgu.
Cikgu : (Menengking) Mengapa selamat pagi saja? Petang dan malam, awak doakan saya tak selamatkah?
Murid-murid: Selamat pagi, petang dan malam, cikgu!
Cikgu: Panjang sangat tu! Tak pernah pun dibuat oleh orang lain! Katakan saja selamat sejahtera! Senang dan penuh bermakna. Lagipun ucapan ini meliput semua masa dan keadaan.
Murid-murid: Selamat sejahtera, cikgu!
Cikgu: Sama-sama, duduk! Dengar sini baik-baik. Hari ini cikgu akan menguji kamu semua tentang perkataan berlawan. Apabila cikgu sebutkan perkataannya, kamu semua mesti menjawab dengan cepat lawan bagi perkataan-perkataan itu, faham?
Murid-murid: Faham, cikgu!
Cikgu: Saya tak mahu ada apa-apa gangguan.
Murid-murid: (senyap)
Cikgu: Pandai!
Murid-murid: Bodoh!
Cikgu: Tinggi!
Murid-murid: Rendah!
Cikgu: Jauh!
Murid-murid: Dekat!
Cikgu: Keadilan!
Murid-murid: UMNO!
Cikgu: Salah!
Murid-murid: Betul!
Cikgu: Bodoh!
Murid-murid: Pandai!
Cikgu: Bukan!
Murid-murid: Ya!
Cikgu: Oh Tuhan!
Murid-murid: Oh Hamba!
Cikgu: Dengar sini!
Murid-murid: Dengar situ!
Cikgu: Diam!
Murid-murid: Bising!
Cikgu: Itu bukan pertanyaan, bodoh!
Murid-murid: Ini adalah jawapan, pandai!
Cikgu: Mati aku!
Murid-murid: Hidup kami!
Cikgu: Rotan baru kamu tau!
Murid-murid: Akar lama tak tau!
Cikgu: Malas aku nak mengajar kamu semua!
Murid-murid: Rajin kami tak belajar cikgu!
Cikgu: Kamu gila!
Murid-murid: Kami siuman!
Cikgu: Cukup! Cukup!
Murid-murid: Kurang! Kurang!
Cikgu: Sudah! Sudah!
Murid-murid: Belum! Belum!
Cikgu: Mengapa kamu semua ini bodoh sangat?
Murid-murid: Sebab kami semua itu pandai sikit!
Cikgu: Oh! Melawan!
Murid-murid: Oh! Mengalah!
Cikgu: Kurang ajar!
Murid-murid: Cukup belajar!
Cikgu: Habis aku!
Murid-murid: Kekal kami!
Cikgu: O.K. Pelajaran sudah habis!
Murid-murid: K.O. Pegajaran belum bermula!
Cikgu: Sudah, bodoh!
Murid-murid: Belum, pandai!
Cikgu: Berdiri!
Murid-murid: Duduk!
Cikgu: Saya kata UMNO salah!
Murid-murid: Kami dengar KeADILan betul!
Cikgu: Bangang kamu ni!
Murid-murid: Cerdik kami tu!
Cikgu: Rosak!
Murid-murid: Baik!
Cikgu: Kamu semua ditahan tengah hari ini!
Murid-murid: Kami dilepaskan tengah malam itu!
Cikgu: (Senyap dan mengambil buku-bukunya keluar.) Sebentar kemudian, loceng punberdering. Murid-murid berasa lega
Do you know how much cab drivers talk when they have a passenger in the car? I find it amusing how much cab drivers want to talk to you. Some of the things they talk about are just hilarious and some are just plain boring. Sometimes though they give strong opinions on current issues. Some ask where your heading and comment on your looks. I often get drivers asking me where I work! But for me, its a great chance to talk to working class Malaysians. Because when I think back these people spend their whole day driving a car around. You can just imagine the loneliness they feel throughout the day.
Just a few days back, on the way to Pyramid I had a very interesting conversation with this unique taxi driver. He was quite a big fellow, chinese, wearing a typical white sleeveless shirt. The imiediately thing I did once I entered the car was look at his IC no. The first 2 numbers were 46, which makes him 60 years old. He started talking with a near-perfect english which was fine by me because I love it when non-malays talk to me in English.
Anyways, I dont know how, but somehow the topic went to something about the Military. He told he was in the Army when he was a young man. He use to drive his Commanding officer around back then. Then there was silence. I was pondering the issue. A chinese rarely enters the army back in those days, especialy when the Communist Emergency was ongoing. I debated with myself wether to ask him or not. Then I decided what the heck. I asked why he joined the army.
He answered because food was so scarce, the only way he could ever feed his family was to join the army. The army threw away leftover food, so he took them to feed his family. Just dont get caught he said. Then he laughed, even though the food tasted bad, they would still eat since they were so hungry.
He progressed about telling me the communist's history. Throughout his story, he seemed more of a pro-communist rather a soldier. He spent 10 years in the jungle, but in those 10 years he never shot anybody. These communists he said, consists of not only Chinese, but theres also quite a number of Malays and Indians. They were his brothers he said, how can you kill them? It touched me when he said they were his brothers. He continued that everytime his platoon was in a battle, their commanding officer, a british will never throw himself to the fight. Instead he'll just stay somewhere safe i.e at the bottom of the hill ordering the soldiers to attack. Now here comes the hilarious part: what they did was shoot at trees and leaves to make it sound like theres a big battle going on.
He argued, that the communists were fighting for Malaysia's freedom and hated the British as much. He also recounts his experiences in New Zealand to undergo basic training. The British he told me, looks down so much on Asians. They call the the soldiers "Asian bastards"- he said that with a british slang, which I laughed. All this only spark more hatred towards the Brits.
Then I hit the needle in the head with this question: so why didn't you join the communists instead? He laughed and replied: Then the british would kill my family! And everybody else in my kampong! I joined his laughter. Pondering on it again, I thought to myself what a stupid question I just asked. The answer was so obvious.
When we were about to reach pyramid, I told him that every Malaysian should remember the Malayan Emergency. The communists insurgency is a very important part in our history, one that many have strong feelings about. He agreed.
In the end, I paid the fare and thanked him for the talk. I've always wanted to speak to a war veteran. This was by far one the best stories I ever heard in a cab. I may not agree with all the things he said but I truly apreciate for him to share his stories.
The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them-Ralph Nichols
Friday, October 06, 2006
haha, when doing the "5 hooligans" post I didnt realize syakirin had wrote something himself. Since were all in the mood of putting pictures of ourselves, I too shall put up a pic:
Lelaki Melayu Terakhir
Nabil (my good friend) and yours truly
This picture was taken in Japan during Hari Raya. Both of us looking extremely dashing in our Baju Melayu.
A little something about me. I'm 17/m/selangor. I like long walks in the beach, read good books and watch movies. My taste in music is simply: Incubus. My preference of girls are, girls with long black hair and is enthusiastic in everything they do, even in times of failure. Being emo and complaining about your problems is a huge turn off for me so please re evaluate yourself if you ever want to make a move on me. You must also be a huge Arsenal supporter and hate Manchester United as much as I do. If you think Brandon Boyd (lead singer of Incubus, by right you should know it!) is sexy, I agree, but if you think Brad Pitt is sexy, thats a turn off. Lastly if your name starts with "N" and ends with "t", you are not in my choice of girls.
I'm joking =) lol. Neways, enjoy the pic.
"The only shallow people are the ones that DONT judge people by their apperances. The true mystery of the world is that of the visible not the invisible". - George Orwell
Recently we have open our blog membership (I call it membership so that it sounds better) to 2 more people: Syakirin aka Syak and Jason Poo. I have a feeling this blog will soon be shared with a few more. So this blog is basicaly a collective daily journal of individuals. But for now theres only 5 of us. We like doing this because its a fun way for us to stay in touch with each other. Anything else which still seems unclear, refer to the "about us" section for further explanation.
Btw, if you ever wonder why we call ourselves hooligans, the reason is simple. It was actually inspired by the movie "Greenstreet hooligans" starring Elijah wood or frodo. In the movie, Elijah wood is a pussy wussy but learns to stand up for himself when he ventures into the underground world of british football hooliganism. One of our favourite lines is "Stand your ground and fight!". Since we do a lot of stupid things ourselves, a "hooligan" is actually a good metaphore for us.
"Live a hooligan, die a hooligan"
Thursday, October 05, 2006
hey there,hi there, ho there!!!
I'm the new moderator for this blog.My name is Syark. That is all u peeps need 2 know. This pic was taken by someone(forgot da name) at Cactus Valley in Cameron Highland. Im 17 and having the teenage blues.. SPM!!! hahahaha.. I stay around ss1. Raya jangan datang k. I'm half malay and half chinese. Not like C.Keat, he is an INDON!!!! lol.. you can know me further by visiting my page at www.myspace.com/syark89
Next week on Teusday, our beloved friend named Farouq, will be gone. Forever!!! Just kidding. He will be having a lot of fun (hope so) 'cause on that day is his birthday. We (Naif, C. Keat, and me) will arrange a party for him. The party still in suggestion, so, we still not confirm yet about place and all that stuff. Got any suggestion? Tell C.Keat bout it. Not me. I'm an ex-seaport. U can't meet me easily. I'm a busy man, what can I say? Dowh.. hahahhaha
Naif here. This is one of my many movie reviews. Just yesterday, all of us (me, chee keat, farouq and syakirin) decided to go pyramid and catch a movie (yes despite SPM being just around the corner). The original plan was to catch a 5 oclock movie so that we can straight buka puasa afterwards. But chee keat came late and we were forced to the only 6 oclock movie that was available: Miami Vice. A funny thing that I should note here was that, we had to buy 3 tin can drinks from Giant to buka puasa indside the cinema!
The story is quite simple. Two miami cops go undercover to stop a major drug deal operation run by cuban/columbian druglords. The catch is these villains have all kinds of high tech weaponry and informers everywhere. But need not worry because Det.James"sonny" Crockett (collin farrell) and Ricardo "rico" Tubbs (jamie foxx) are 2 slick cops determine to get the job done. The kingpin's bitch is played by Gong Li who first appeared to be uptight but ended up having sex with Collin Farrel in the house, in the shower and even in the car! Yes even in the car...
I must say this one of the best cops and baddies movie I've ever seen. I cant believe I'm saying this but collin farrel actually looks cool in this movie and he kicks ass! In fact all the cops in this movie kicks ass. His acting for the first time is suprisingly beliveable. Jamie foxx is being well jamie foxx....Gong Li looks so hot in this movie that I've decided to buy the dvd and watch all the deleted scenes! Cheekeat is going to be so jealous. This movie is directed by Michael Mann who produced the original vice city series. I was dissapointed by his last movie "collateral" but this one makes up for it.
In this movie you get to see the mindset of druglords in more detail. Superp coreogoraphy and the scenes are wonderfuly shot. The places they shoot the movie is just amazing and it fits well into the whole miami-cuba theme. If youre expecting just another cops and villains movie think again. All around its a damn good movie mainly for guys. I know I enjoyed it. A 5/5.
Next up: the indonesian movie Hearts! chiow.
Monday, October 02, 2006
uploaded by:ck
hey hey ppl,i remembered tht we took this pic during the new year 2005-2006.This is actually me n naif's first pic together,yes he looks gay but its alright,he's my member la doh. lol. I'm tryin to find a nice pic of three of us together but i couldnt la,susah doh.Btw gtg. Chiow guys.
Any of you form 5 ppl who are reading this, i want you all to know that this are the last few months spending time together, in fact, this can be the best few months we can spend together. If any of you ppl wanna tell something to someone special, or get to know some ppl, want to punch that someone who youve been hating since form1, make a confession or apologizing to someone, or do something you never do b4, well i say, just do it(nike). Trust me, ive been through this, after moving from bestari to SP, i have been regretting for not doing the things i wish i've done. But ya know, whats the point of regretting when its over, whats done is done. All i have to do is make sure, my new friends don't repeat the same mistake, you guys should cherish whatever moments and memories together for this couple of months. if there is something you wanna do before leaving high school, just do it, go ahead, even if you have to face the critics, so be it, in fact, all this are gonna be memories which gonna be in you for the rest of your life, so whack only... if ya dont try, ya never gonna get it... if u dont cherish the moments now, i guarantee you, when u start college, and meet ppl which are extremely...extreme to you, u gonna regret it and start saying , "How'd I wish I had spend time with my school friends." Well ppl its getting late, you form 5 ppl, just do what you think its right for this few months, and hopefully, what im trying emphasizeis that when we all finish school and go our seperate ways, just cherish the moments and memories, the time we spent together. Life is simple, make the right decisions, no turning back, no regrets.
no one is writing anymore.. btw..jus to let u guys noe tht spm is jus around the corner n tht means we're leavin school really really soon.. soon,we wont be as close anymore,use to chill in the cc til the next day..watch some movies together.. eatin n crappin together.. all those times we had together.. itll be so nice to think of when we're apart someday.. this sounds damn gay..but of coz.. evrybody keep sayin tht friends forever..ure my bestfren n things like tht.. but bestfren doesnt back stab n talk bout one another behind their back.. why are we talkin behind's someone back..?we're not tht perfect either.. being with my frens make me realise all sort of things..the real meaning of bestfren...i mean..thyre sort siblings tht God cant give to us.. theyre like ur brothers n sisters,jus tht thyre closer..where we share things tht we dun even tell our parents.. its so damn sad thinkn the fact tht everyone now is leaving.. why is everyone leavin..?yeah its true tht we meet new ppl...old ones go n new one comes..i mean..why cant we keep the old ones n make new one at the same time. yeah ,of coz arguements n all always happened but thts wat makes us stronger.. few things i learn such as..like shouldnt make empty promises.. being easily influence.. like ppl is talkin bad bout ur frens n u jus agreed n started to act difly with them..why cant u go n ask them urself if its true..bestfrens shouldnt hide things from one another.. this is getin emotional man.. better get off.. so sorry for the broken english.. appreciate ppl u love as long as thyre still here.. dnt regret when thyre gone n u dnt get to tell them how much u love them..