Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Hari Raya Wish List

Hari Raya is just one week from now, so I thought I write down what I want for christmas......I mean hari raya:

*Straight A's for SPM
*Entry into NUS (National University of Singapore) with full scholarship

*season 2 dvd of The Sopranos
*Getting my hand on these books:
-Driven from within by Michael Jordan
-For one more day by Mitch Albom
*N73 hanphone
*Incubus's new album: Light Grenades
*TIME magazine suscription
*brand new Swiss Army watch
*see my parents in Japan
*reunion of friends from Seaport
*Jennifer Garner (I love youuuu)
*Bethany Joy Lenz aka Haley from OTH (again, I love youuuuu)
*Miss Venezuala rrrrrrrr
*Arsenal to win Champions League, EPL and FA Cup
*world poverty-gone
*health, wealth and happiness!
*my friends to do well in their SPM

lol, like i'll be getting all these things any time soon :P So that was my wish list, guys, whats yours? =D