Monday, October 16, 2006

New poll

Haha, I still cant stop laughing. We have a new poll up since its a start of a new week. But before that, here was the results of our previous poll:

The question: who do you think is the hottest chick in "One Tree Hill"?

Lucas's Mom-0%
Nathan's mom-1%
Jennifer Garner-0

So the winner: Brooke! Haha, no suprises there. But thank you for those who voted for me, Naif, Im so grateful! You guys are too kind haha lol. For our next poll, it all started when Ck and I finished watching One tree Hill (yes were addicted i know) in 8TV. Ck decided that he was Lucas and I decided that I was Nathan, Syakirin is Chris the mother fucker! =) we both wondered who Farouq would be if he was in "One Tree Hill"? Thats what the poll is use for then, go and vote! Who do you think farouq is in the series "one tree hill"?