Monday, October 16, 2006

Ting Ma Ma De Hua(Listen To Mother's Words)

People looking at the heading are probaly thinking that im gonna write the lyrics for jay chou's new song but sadly no.You guys looking at the picture are also probaly thinking who is that hot guy with the equally beautiful woman beside(i'm proud and glad to say that she is my dad).Yes,folks that lovely woman is my dear mum.The reason i put that picture is not because i want to show you guys my mum's freaked out look but rather to prove a point.

I rarely see people these days have any pictures with them and their mums and i'm guilty of being like that once until she got her new phone*yay technology*,now dare i say it me and my mum camwhore when occasions like the one in the picture happens.I tend to hear about people who are embaressed of their parents,thinking they are uncool or something and treating them like the bubonic plague each time they ask to go out.I'm confident enough to say I dare to go out in public with my PARENTS.Btw,there are you guys out there that do what i do with my parents.So jangan terasa yer.

I'm not trying to point fingers or anything but i just want to create a point that kids these days tend to not associate themselves with their parents even though they have chance.They are the greatest teachers of life and no one else can teach better.When kids say my parents won't understand me,the first thing that comes to my mind is that is a load of bullshit.They are probaly the only people that can understand you before your friends.So talk to your parents and open up a bit.Hell,you may even find out that they even have teenage life that is way cooler than yours and may even give you advice you thought you won't get from them.

One more thing before i sign out,you guys probaly realise i wrote Listen To Mother's Words and i mention both parent figures.The thing is i couldn't find a song that is fitting for dads[sorry dads who might happen to read this (>.<)'] and i couldn't upload a picture of me and my dad.I was scared that the blog,computer and the internet couldn't take our hotness combined(Hey i was only thinking about the greater good (^-^)b )

This is me signing out and hoping give you guys another kick ass post,
Farouq Nyuh-Huh

P.S. My mum took me,naif and chee keat to genting.That picture was of us in a cable car.So if you happen to see this(MUM),thanks from the all of us who have been shown kindness from you and for letting us borrow your phone.