Friday, October 27, 2006

Post by :JImmy
title: the ultimate exam

you may think...that spm is the ultimate exam...i say spm is only a steaper hill to face...when we were in form 3 they say you must do well for PMR...SOME OF US MAY HAVE EVEN HEARD THE PHARES "your future depends on PMR" when pmr over .."they"..say that spm is here's the deal...the main reason why we had to get good results for pmr, is because of competition...basically if we can get all the students in the whole of screw pmr..then maybe we wouldn't have worked so hard to acheive..good is because of competition our parents,teachers,etc...pressure us hard..

the next level is spm...(fuh lamak macam xxx the next level oh)....its the same reason for individual has to acheive good results for the sake of competition...competiton to enter good varsities...not every university is good..reason being that an established..uni..has well paid lectures and because of the uni's desire to maintain its good uni's will except any given student...because...they need enter their uni...the whoole idea of the university is based on business interest....

let me describe the picture more vividly in an easier way...its like this ...let say a business man builds a turbine..and he needs a operate the turbine...he can't put his turbine in the river cause he has no money to buy a property by the he goes to the stream..the stream represents "any given student"...because of the nature of the stream which is sometimes fast and sometimes over the years he builds on his turbine..upgrading it to a more eficient turbine...(upgraded his university with better teachers and facilities,and also making his uni's name recognised)...the business man would want a steady flow of water..meaning good students with better in other words he moves onto(setting the standards higher)..river or the sea for a better flow of...water to move his turbine to generate power..

that is why its is important hard and acheive..good results in order to get a place in the university...but this doesn't entirely mean work your butt off and stop enjoying life...that is why people need to start focusing on subjects and not simply taking too many subject...17 a1 what a joke...that means our spm standard is that low...becuase when you go to austrlia...america..6 a s heard of,7 a s heard of but 17 a 1....rediculus...(harry potter style)...i respect nur amalina for challenging herself..and proving to herself that she is capable of doing many things..but the media shouldn't had made a big fuss about it becuase only 1 in a million..students can do such a thing...even the top boy in my school who is doing 13 subjects..only good in studies...sports out i mean he learnt drums before me and i'm 2x better than him...he was grade 2 in guitar for 6months....i grade 5 in 8 studies ok,good not marginally good but ok..main sport bsb also ok....the main reason y he wants to take...13 subjects is because of pride...he has too much pride in him....but ultimately he is good.. i mean 90 above for all his 13 subjects...add maths add math only 63 cukup makan...but 1 thing he can't beat me is my command of the english language..hahaha...not that this blog reflects on my english...can't be bothered bout grammactical i'm sleepy but can't sleep...

yeah enough being side tracked...back to main topic ultimate exam..yeah the ultimate exam is not your spm itself....after spm there's going to be more..harder...impairable..sickening..irritating..and troublesome..mountains to conquer..and if spm breaks you...just think what it is going to be like when you face harder have succeeded in life when he /she...has succeeded in overcoming his/her missfortunes and basicly..if you have a strong mind and you have a burnig passion for whatever it is you like will do well in life...its all in the mind...the mind is like a form of power waiting to explode....when you can controll brings out the goodness in you....that enables you to acheive great things