Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Former Enemy Turn Brother
season 2 episode 8

ironic how life can turn a person you once hated with every ounce of anger you had into a close friend.

hazman dani was a guy i barely knew.when i entered form 4 i was stuck in the same class with him.honestly speaking at first glance he seemed an okay person but he was a very undermeaning and bluntly put a person who looks down on your weakness.

i hate people who look down on me and i try to make it a point to prove to them that i have my own strengths.

growing up with hazman was at first a very painful and hurtful step in my life.we never got along and yeah there were always misunderstandings between us.there were a few painful things he said to me.

one day he went too mother and father had a fight the night before and i was very emotional about the said topic.

i had a small arguement with hazman.he said the most painful thing i have ever heard.

hazman;"at least my parents love me"

after he said that you could guess what all out war broke out.chairs flying through the air and yeah tempers were flaring.

now the question you have got to ask is


until today i swear i don't know exactly.

life is too short to holster such grudges.

i mean to be frank i would never have thought i would be hanging out in AC with this guy and truthfully said i am going to miss him when he goes to johor in july.


here's to you my friend

thanks for the support

and no i ain't going to call you friend

from now on i am going to call you something i should have called you a long time ago

and that is brother
