Saturday, November 11, 2006

MEMORY (to be continued)
King Farouq

Pejam celik,pejam celik.It's already our last day of school.Pejam celik,pejam celik.We even have a new member.Pejam celik,pejam celik.Mataku dah sakit dah.

To express about my school life in my teenage years is nothing short of being a grade A series like the OC and One Tree Hill.There is drama,a lot of comedy,an equal amount of suspence along with it,a smidge of romance(just a smidge and nothing more)and a great deal of horror that comes along with it.

The start of my school years in SMK Sri Permata.I came fresh from my Sekolah Rendah days.I was naive and a bit of simpleton that time,I still am but much better (^-^).

Form 2 well,was definetely getting better i guess

Moving on to 2004,all of us entered PMR year.Most people we met that year were scared shitless of that paper and dare not do anything for that year.Well,we did the opposite.We did everything that year.Staying up till dawn?check.Overnight in cc?check.Took some provocative photos?check but we lost the camera.Went to cheer 04?check i guess.That year was definetly the most fun i had because when we go out.It would always be the four of us(me,naif,harmeet and ck).We bonded over the year and nothing could break or replace that bond we shared.In school,its a whole other story.We had a weird guy as our teacher,Azhar.No one can forget that fucker till this day.He barely taught us and we barely listen to him.So we had a love-hate relationship with the fella.This is also the year i met two interesting dudes.The first one syark and then later aizuddin.Syark would always do some crazy and weird shit in class just to make himself look cute(syark ni nak cute jer lah).Later during the year,our new friend from aizuddin came all the way from london.He was a big guy so most of us got scared of him and to me he looked like kane a bit which freaked me out.But once we started to know him,habislah everyday "a-huh-huh-huh"(his trademark laugh).This guy's behaviour and jokes made us laugh every single time we talked.Oh yeah,for PMR,i went through it with 2As,4Bs,and 2Cs.Just in case you wanted to know.

Form 4,well a different mood was set in place.Sadness.Why?Because most of us had moved out.Naif went to VI,Suresh went to DJ,James went to Kedah(even though it was later,it was still sad),Syark went to Sentul and the list could go on.Fortunately,Ck and marc were still around on and i got to knew them even better and we became better friends.This was also the year i got to know hazman,chan and harris better and that rocked.This was also the start of the sleepovers at my house which made us have something to do over the weekend.