Sunday, November 12, 2006

hey guys...n girls if got la(harris)...4 the first time i hazman shall b writin in a blog(help me!)...okla thanks to ck n farouq i got into this bloggin the theme goes i wanna talk bout the memories of skool life.....this 2 years have the most exciting,fun,fucked up n amazin years....4 example in form 4 i met 2 new great frens tat made skool fun 4 me...chee keat n farouq...these r the best of frens la...i wudnt trade them 4 anythin...ever since i befriended them its been so much fun in skool....all the times we were jokin in class while teacher is teachin...i remember once we got lee pei pheng angry durin maths...she unleashed a whole dictionary on us(u know wat i mean ck)...den there wuz chandra mogan,the coolest teacher ive ever seen...he came into class once n ask us to stand up n buat senaman...den he arranged our tables like kindergarten...i oso remember our gayness in class...everyday itll be like a foursome,farouq,ck n MARC(the leader of gayness)...those were the good times la..but the most unforgetable memory is new wuz fun n exhausting...our group got separated n got pyramid...on new year somemore....haiyo...then had to find one by one..den had to jln kaki balik...damn tired...