alrite guys im back..
haha guess wat today wuz da funniest day..i went out wit ck,harris n amin to ou today..i met up wit ck at kelana jaya lrt station at around 3 lidat,he made me walk all da way from my hse while he nicely sit in a bus..bitch =D..wen i got there i cudnt find him la,suddenly i saw 1 china wearin a hoody n short pants..i wuz like wtf??..haha den we took cab go ou..we got there 1st thing we do in look for watch..tryin to look 4 spongebob watch,i LOVE spongebob..haha
den we were bored,went snooker at osc,tgk2 no table..alaa kacau la,so we went buy ice usual ck n his 'i wan choco top'..i wuz like okla buy la buy..haha..den after finishin our ice cream like 2 small kid lidat we went snooker(finally)...after awhile harris n amin came,haha amin wuz surprised to c me changed..he cant believe im playin snooker..haha act so cant i but wat to do =D..den after i lost(ck got lucky) the 4 of us went to go shop for shirt...haha like no life lidat...4 guys go shopping 4 shirt..n da best thing wuz all of us wore shorts (-_-)..n selipar..haha gila selamba dowh..anyway we went to WH..damn sad la,we split to 2 couples n look for a shirt for da wuz like watchin one of those 'spend 5000$ in 5 minutes' kinda show u know..da workers all like wtf is wrong wit these guys??..haha i picked a nice shirt for amin which he ended up buyin(c nice anot me..good fren kan) ..den we js browse la wat shirt they wuz kinda funny tho,there wuz one dat said 'so where's ur daughter tonite? ur name summer,cuz ur hot..damn fun la..den we separated 4 while(awww)..harris n amin went n buy somethin while me n ck wen kfc..haha we wanted to buy da meal which u cud oni get at 3-6 for js 3.50...haha gila saving..den harris came n bought da kfc x meal but kena pow from ck..haha idiot..den we were wonderin la how come harris got money,den he say he won dota game..started la ck start sayin stil cant beet me rite..n they quarell la like husband n wife lidat..haha
Den we wanted to go c sheyra at fcuk n on da way we saw HANNAH TAN..she waved at all of us but dat idiot ck perasaan she wave at him..den start braggin la "ey HANNAH TAN wave at wave at u not harris?" haha harris kena kaw kaw man..den harris n amin went pick up somethin while me n ck go buy shihlin chicken..some big ass chicken for 5.50..not bad ah,but as usual ck end up powing me oso(idiot)..den we js lepak outside mc'd there n js talk bout life..we talked bout skool i miss those days..den we all walked to the bus stand n sat there talkin bout how we use to kacau hadri,how blur hamizi wuz,retarded jason wuz..we talked bout how we almost kena suspended cuz of playing wit a shuttlecock..HAHAHA..i remember wat mogan said 'chee keat i know u good boy..hazman oso,altho u never come 4 jerai hse practise i know u good boy.don do dis la'..haha..i miss ponteng-ing wit harris,3 weeks b4 spm we'll come to skool n same routine " jom??" n he'll be like "kejom-an ah"..haha den we'll cal ck meet us in net valley..he'll always come late one..den in da bus everythin wuz so quiet,except for us..we were laughin our ballsoff..talkin bout how harris lost to ck in fusbal,how HANNAH TAN waved at ck,how last time we played musical chair while d entire form 4 were starin at we use to ponteng skool n go to stadium to watch mssd..haha..i miss skool la,i miss goin there n ponteng-ing..i miss js talking n laughin till i cry wit my frens,playing football in class..haizz da things we do last time..I MISS U GUYS..N I'LL REMEMBER U GUYS FOREVER..ROCK ON!!!
by HaZMaN