Monday, August 14, 2006

Last Weekend

From the title you can probaly guess it's about our weekend.From the colour,i hope you guys know it's me,Farouq posting about our weekend.As usual,we had our sleepover(balik-balik rumah farouq jer).Before we headed to my house,we had our usual dose of netvalley.We owned Hero Siege twice(OMG).Points to those who can guess who was the top.Besides that,we have watched the movie CLICK.It's definetely worth the RM10,so to those who haven't watched it.Go now and be merry.You deserve it.When the night continued,we played another game(the questions game).Basically,we create questions according to the number of players.Example,there are four of you,so you should make 1 question each not including yourself.In the end,we(me,naif and ck)plus syak found out some disturbing stuff -_-.Well,thats all i can report.If there is anything else,it will be settled by the other two.So here is me signing out.Nyuh-HUH.