Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Big Thank You to MAYSTAR

Naif here:

Ok, from stupid to super cool, our blog is starting too look like something. I'm nearly done customizing the blog so it would actually look decent to the eye. As usual I have to do all the work coz none of these 2 idiots know how to make a blog. I even put up a tagboard, so all we have to do now is pray for someone to chat in it. I just have to put some finishing touches and it will be all done. We'll even put a photo of 3 of us soon.............

I want to take this opputurnity to thank maystar for the designs. She creates all these blog skins that looks really cool and make others think that we created it....So do check out her website. She has a lot of fans and I'm telling you, when you look at a blog and you say it looks super good, most probably the skin was made by maystar. Thanks maystar!

updates, later, buh bye. Now to teach ck and farouq on how to post